Diff Report
Run #519eb7a1537f7: XHProf Run (Namespace=drupal-perf-drupalcon)
Run #519eb880e5974: XHProf Run (Namespace=drupal-perf-drupalcon)
Click a function name below to drill down.

Overall Diff Summary

Run #519eb7a1537f7Run #519eb880e5974DiffDiff%
Number of Function Calls140,633 141,579 946 0.7%
Incl. Wall Time (microsec)957,508 953,923 -3,585 -0.4%
Incl. CPU (microsecs)883,247 883,144 -103 -0.0%
Incl. MemUse (bytes)9,701,264 9,934,248 232,984 2.4%
Incl. PeakMemUse (bytes)10,002,912 10,158,948 156,036 1.6%

[View Regressions/Improvements using Callgraph Diff]

Top 100 Regressions/Improvements: Sorted by Excl. Wall Time (microsec) Diff [ display all ]

Function NameCalls DiffCalls
Incl. Wall
Excl. Wall
Incl. CPU Diff
Excl. CPU
Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityBCDecorator::__get -320 -33.8% -14,237 -397.1% -7,229 -201.6% -14,547 -14123.3% -6,102 -5924.3% 0 0.0% 1,120 0.5% 680 0.4% 368 0.2%
Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityNG::__get -1,240 -131.1% -4,289 -119.6% -4,304 -120.1% -5,533 -5371.8% -5,555 -5393.2% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% -8 -0.0% -8 -0.0%
PDOStatement::execute -5 -0.5% -3,303 -92.1% -3,303 -92.1% -215 -208.7% -215 -208.7% -2,700 -1.2% -2,700 -1.2% -380 -0.2% -380 -0.2%
twig_render_var@2 328 34.7% 82,595 2303.9% 2,022 56.4% 73,619 71474.8% 1,971 1913.6% 250,832 107.7% 4,604 2.0% 226,640 145.2% 1,748 1.1%
twig_render_var -281 -29.7% 155,250 4330.5% -1,627 -45.4% 155,163 150643.7% -1,649 -1601.0% 361,824 155.3% -712 -0.3% 454,060 291.0% -12 -0.0%
Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute::offsetSet 168 17.8% 1,703 47.5% 1,328 37.0% 1,886 1831.1% 1,241 1204.9% 74,676 32.1% 74,676 32.1% 3,636 2.3% 3,636 2.3%
template_preprocess_node 0 0.0% -16,287 -454.3% -1,294 -36.1% -16,164 -15693.2% -999 -969.9% -13,188 -5.7% -5,672 -2.4% 1,672 1.1% -416 -0.3%
Drupal\Core\Template\TwigTemplate::getContextReference 183 19.3% 1,190 33.2% 978 27.3% 1,444 1401.9% 1,180 1145.6% 29,292 12.6% 26,336 11.3% 9,620 6.2% 7,500 4.8%
twig_render_var@1 90 9.5% 215,262 6004.5% 959 26.8% 206,039 200037.9% 832 807.8% 320,576 137.6% 3,036 1.3% 337,128 216.1% 2,092 1.3%
unserialize -5 -0.5% -773 -21.6% -955 -26.6% -715 -694.2% -958 -930.1% -174,440 -74.9% -174,432 -74.9% -70,572 -45.2% -70,476 -45.2%
Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute::__construct 140 14.8% 2,548 71.1% 844 23.5% 2,684 2605.8% 795 771.8% 82,528 35.4% 7,852 3.4% 4,216 2.7% 580 0.4%
Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute::__toString 0 0.0% 3,354 93.6% 838 23.4% 3,395 3296.1% 663 643.7% 2,468 1.1% -4,928 -2.1% 7,944 5.1% 644 0.4%
template_preprocess_field 0 0.0% 1,739 48.5% 837 23.3% 1,739 1688.3% 698 677.7% 85,520 36.7% 60,936 26.2% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
Drupal\Component\PhpStorage\MTimeProtectedFileStorage::load 8 0.8% 1,943 54.2% 811 22.6% 1,953 1896.1% 764 741.7% 149,044 64.0% 3,180 1.4% 83,076 53.2% 4,600 2.9%
Symfony\Component\ClassLoader\ClassLoader::findFile 2 0.2% -1,060 -29.6% -786 -21.9% -840 -815.5% -398 -386.4% 8,412 3.6% 8,112 3.5% 19,164 12.3% 18,900 12.1%
twig_render_template@1 24 2.5% 221,251 6171.6% 750 20.9% 211,963 205789.3% 595 577.7% 377,280 161.9% -139,040 -59.7% 670,232 429.5% 1,508 1.0%
Drupal\Core\SystemListing::scanDirectory@2 8 0.8% 1,572 43.8% 739 20.6% 1,584 1537.9% 571 554.4% 4,512 1.9% 988 0.4% 5,068 3.2% 1,936 1.2%
extract -42 -4.4% -732 -20.4% -732 -20.4% -777 -754.4% -777 -754.4% -231,328 -99.3% -231,328 -99.3% -54,168 -34.7% -54,168 -34.7%
Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityBCDecorator::__isset -160 -16.9% -7,986 -222.8% -702 -19.6% -8,601 -8350.5% -1,175 -1140.8% -21,324 -9.2% -21,324 -9.2% -33,144 -21.2% -32,956 -21.1%
Drupal\Core\SystemListing::scanDirectory@1 4 0.4% 2,821 78.7% 637 17.8% 2,825 2742.7% 483 468.9% 11,500 4.9% 136 0.1% 11,440 7.3% 2,288 1.5%
Drupal\Core\Template\AttributeArray::__toString 80 8.5% 1,846 51.5% 597 16.7% 1,964 1906.8% 550 534.0% 11,504 4.9% -32,028 -13.7% 7,084 4.5% 764 0.5%
__TwigTemplate_c15e431abc059b02f5ec5f5ab7234dac::doDisplay 2 0.2% 2,807 78.3% 563 15.7% 2,812 2730.1% 428 415.5% 6,500 2.8% -7,504 -3.2% 12,000 7.7% 4,100 2.6%
Drupal\Core\Template\TwigEnvironment::loadTemplate 42 4.4% 3,787 105.6% 554 15.5% 3,836 3724.3% 488 473.8% 170,284 73.1% 6,644 2.9% 94,124 60.3% 3,176 2.0%
Symfony\Component\ClassLoader\ClassLoader::loadClass 1 0.1% -379 -10.6% 517 14.4% -345 -335.0% 44 42.7% 32,864 14.1% 756 0.3% 84,952 54.4% 1,940 1.2%
readdir 113 11.9% 513 14.3% 513 14.3% 641 622.3% 641 622.3% 3,408 1.5% 3,408 1.5% 1,384 0.9% 1,384 0.9%
is_dir 82 8.7% 495 13.8% 495 13.8% 571 554.4% 571 554.4% 1,160 0.5% 1,160 0.5% 1,312 0.8% 1,312 0.8%
__TwigTemplate_c3f779035ef680c3462e67f267aec18a::doDisplay 8 0.8% 213,547 5956.7% 491 13.7% 204,237 198288.3% 386 374.8% 147,324 63.2% -180,148 -77.3% 335,212 214.8% 1,744 1.1%
load::templates/user.tpl.php -20 -2.1% -486 -13.6% -486 -13.6% -516 -501.0% -516 -501.0% -4,384 -1.9% -4,384 -1.9% -22,640 -14.5% -22,640 -14.5%
Drupal\Core\TypedData\Type\Language::getValue -40 -4.2% -1,080 -30.1% -468 -13.1% -1,123 -1090.3% -525 -509.7% -1,120 -0.5% 0 0.0% 48 0.0% 0 0.0%
twig_render_template@2 12 1.3% 91,661 2556.8% 459 12.8% 82,395 79995.1% 370 359.2% 133,780 57.4% -50,068 -21.5% 281,844 180.6% 832 0.5%
field_populate_default_values 0 0.0% -313 -8.7% -448 -12.5% -237 -230.1% 10 9.7% -16,384 -7.0% 0 0.0% -30,124 -19.3% 428 0.3%
Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityNG::language -40 -4.2% -2,376 -66.3% -404 -11.3% -2,379 -2309.7% -353 -342.7% -1,120 -0.5% 0 0.0% -184 -0.1% -48 -0.0%
Drupal\Component\Utility\String::checkPlain 88 9.3% 555 15.5% 401 11.2% 664 644.7% 448 435.0% 14,456 6.2% 2,464 1.1% 3,920 2.5% 2,128 1.4%
PDO::__construct 0 0.0% -387 -10.8% -387 -10.8% -12 -11.7% -12 -11.7% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
array_map 80 8.5% 1,188 33.1% 370 10.3% 1,258 1221.4% 348 337.9% 36,492 15.7% 23,348 10.0% 6,136 3.9% 2,024 1.3%
Drupal\Core\Template\AttributeValueBase::render 89 9.4% 2,345 65.4% 367 10.2% 2,429 2358.3% 342 332.0% 7,396 3.2% -5,804 -2.5% 7,300 4.7% 600 0.4%
theme_render_template -15 -1.6% -227,613 -6349.0% -363 -10.1% -218,361 -212001.0% -295 -286.4% -594,736 -255.3% -18,480 -7.9% -940,968 -603.0% -1,312 -0.8%
twig_render_template@3 11 1.2% 4,238 118.2% 361 10.1% 4,252 4128.2% 276 268.0% 42,404 18.2% -24,576 -10.5% 168,548 108.0% 1,124 0.7%
Drupal\Core\Entity\Field\FieldItemBase::__get -40 -4.2% -1,439 -40.1% -359 -10.0% -1,410 -1368.9% -287 -278.6% -1,120 -0.5% 0 0.0% 48 0.0% 0 0.0%
Twig_Template::getAttribute 30 3.2% 641 17.9% 355 9.9% 689 668.9% 352 341.7% 3,420 1.5% -2,364 -1.0% 4,164 2.7% 1,032 0.7%
preg_match 125 13.2% 339 9.5% 339 9.5% 436 423.3% 436 423.3% 1,332 0.6% 1,332 0.6% 1,112 0.7% 1,112 0.7%
__TwigTemplate_d2d656d7c2b02c393182b5f2642c6243::doDisplay 1 0.1% 225,394 6287.1% 330 9.2% 216,081 209787.4% 276 268.0% 228,444 98.1% -168,120 -72.2% 460,812 295.3% 21,512 13.8%
language_list -40 -4.2% -395 -11.0% -323 -9.0% -461 -447.6% -360 -349.5% -10,400 -4.5% -10,400 -4.5% 48 0.0% 36 0.0%
twig_render_var@3 30 3.2% 2,263 63.1% 322 9.0% 2,293 2226.2% 270 262.1% 6,216 2.7% 1,548 0.7% 4,652 3.0% 1,348 0.9%
check_plain 88 9.3% 866 24.2% 313 8.7% 966 937.9% 302 293.2% 14,456 6.2% 0 0.0% 4,392 2.8% 472 0.3%
Twig_Template::render@1 24 2.5% 218,198 6086.4% 312 8.7% 208,906 202821.4% 241 234.0% 305,276 131.0% 1,716 0.7% 621,308 398.2% 744 0.5%
__TwigTemplate_54074d02ad1c3c56a4c059bca90b430a::doDisplay 20 2.1% 3,138 87.5% 301 8.4% 3,161 3068.9% 278 269.9% 9,408 4.0% -484 -0.2% 10,760 6.9% 2,676 1.7%
twig_render_template -5 -0.5% 150,333 4193.4% -299 -8.3% 150,521 146136.9% -248 -240.8% 443,940 190.5% -120,200 -51.6% 726,772 465.8% -852 -0.5%
Drupal\Core\Template\TwigEnvironment::getTemplateClass 50 5.3% 949 26.5% 292 8.1% 1,002 972.8% 335 325.2% 2,752 1.2% 776 0.3% 1,920 1.2% 384 0.2%
theme_render_template@1 -14 -1.5% -215,589 -6013.6% -286 -8.0% -206,325 -200315.5% -209 -202.9% -503,980 -216.3% -16,924 -7.3% -443,416 -284.2% -676 -0.4%
theme_render_template@2 -12 -1.3% -4,053 -113.1% -280 -7.8% -4,065 -3946.6% -219 -212.6% -110,168 -47.3% -13,536 -5.8% -203,024 -130.1% -776 -0.5%
Drupal\Core\Template\AttributeValueBase::__construct 168 17.8% 250 7.0% 250 7.0% 396 384.5% 396 384.5% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
Drupal\Core\KeyValueStore\StorageBase::get -5 -0.5% -5,162 -144.0% -246 -6.9% -2,807 -2725.2% -238 -231.1% -174,528 -74.9% 892 0.4% -141,612 -90.8% -356 -0.2%
theme@4 0 0.0% 2,528 70.5% 239 6.7% 3,160 3068.0% 241 234.0% 8,316 3.6% -4,380 -1.9% -1,448 -0.9% 88 0.1%
Twig_Template::display@1 24 2.5% 217,643 6070.9% 238 6.6% 208,349 202280.6% 206 200.0% 162,008 69.5% 744 0.3% 354,860 227.4% 1,492 1.0%
strpos 50 5.3% -234 -6.5% -234 -6.5% -444 -431.1% -444 -431.1% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 88 0.1% 88 0.1%
Symfony\Component\ClassLoader\ClassLoader::loadClass@5 0 0.0% 223 6.2% 224 6.2% 223 216.5% 3 2.9% 8,192 3.5% 0 0.0% 13,376 8.6% -796 -0.5%
__TwigTemplate_bf1c2623c1057a5e7fdd404c36fb2ae7::doDisplay 2 0.2% 6,523 182.0% 223 6.2% 6,531 6340.8% 206 200.0% 40,240 17.3% -153,852 -66.0% 217,960 139.7% 448 0.3%
drupal_map_assoc 0 0.0% -210 -5.9% -215 -6.0% -215 -208.7% -24 -23.3% -8,192 -3.5% 0 0.0% -8,196 -5.3% 64 0.0%
settings 42 4.4% 268 7.5% 213 5.9% 298 289.3% 195 189.3% 1,272 0.5% 1,272 0.5% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
theme@1 -1 -0.1% -2,890 -80.6% -210 -5.9% -2,535 -2461.2% -111 -107.8% 105,128 45.1% 230,080 98.8% 76,952 49.3% 480 0.3%
Drupal\views\Plugin\views\PluginBase::unpackOptions 0 0.0% -372 -10.4% -209 -5.8% -371 -360.2% -171 -166.0% 0 0.0% 4 0.0% -8 -0.0% 4 0.0%
run_init::templates/user.tpl.php -20 -2.1% -1,893 -52.8% -209 -5.8% -1,913 -1857.3% -181 -175.7% -5,528 -2.4% -916 -0.4% -2,176 -1.4% -940 -0.6%
Drupal\Core\Database\Connection::expandArguments -5 -0.5% -288 -8.0% -208 -5.8% -300 -291.3% -169 -164.1% -20 -0.0% 2,960 1.3% 288 0.2% 188 0.1%
drupal_get_filename 0 0.0% -1,726 -48.1% -198 -5.5% 702 681.6% -169 -164.1% 36,736 15.8% 175,432 75.3% -116,488 -74.7% 480 0.3%
run_init::templates/page.tpl.php -1 -0.1% -222,573 -6208.5% -195 -5.4% -213,301 -207088.3% -182 -176.7% -296,692 -127.3% 35,112 15.1% -393,640 -252.3% -596 -0.4%
run_init::templates/block.tpl.php -8 -0.8% -213,694 -5960.8% -195 -5.4% -204,431 -198476.7% -165 -160.2% -238,924 -102.5% 57,700 24.8% -299,852 -192.2% -296 -0.2%
Drupal\Core\KeyValueStore\DatabaseStorage::getMultiple -5 -0.5% -4,916 -137.1% -194 -5.4% -2,569 -2494.2% -146 -141.7% -175,420 -75.3% 101,820 43.7% -141,256 -90.5% -748 -0.5%
run_init::templates/views-view-unformatted.tpl.php -2 -0.2% -1,577 -44.0% -191 -5.3% -1,583 -1536.9% -181 -175.7% -2,372 -1.0% 416 0.2% -2,328 -1.5% -408 -0.3%
is_scalar 168 17.8% 191 5.3% 191 5.3% 301 292.2% 301 292.2% 1,260 0.5% 1,260 0.5% 888 0.6% 888 0.6%
implode 117 12.4% 191 5.3% 191 5.3% 312 302.9% 312 302.9% 351,320 150.8% 351,320 150.8% 68 0.0% 68 0.0%
Drupal\Core\SystemListing::scanDirectory 4 0.4% 3,238 90.3% 189 5.3% 3,243 3148.5% 148 143.7% 15,448 6.6% -8 -0.0% 15,396 9.9% 1,688 1.1%
Drupal\Core\Database\Statement::fetchAllAssoc -5 -0.5% -187 -5.2% -188 -5.2% -196 -190.3% -183 -177.7% -96,264 -41.3% -96,264 -41.3% -47,260 -30.3% -47,260 -30.3%
Twig_Loader_Filesystem::findTemplate 8 0.8% 490 13.7% 179 5.0% 497 482.5% 157 152.4% 1,304 0.6% 424 0.2% 1,388 0.9% 648 0.4%
Drupal\Core\Template\TwigReference::setReference 29 3.1% 239 6.7% 177 4.9% 252 244.7% 149 144.7% -3,784 -1.6% -2,972 -1.3% 3,284 2.1% 1,788 1.1%
Drupal\Component\PhpStorage\MTimeProtectedFastFileStorage::getFullPath 8 0.8% 421 11.7% 177 4.9% 429 416.5% 137 133.0% 2,924 1.3% 896 0.4% 3,576 2.3% 2,248 1.4%
Twig_Template::render@2 12 1.3% 90,709 2530.2% 177 4.9% 81,450 79077.7% 144 139.8% 127,784 54.8% 1,380 0.6% 280,092 179.5% 400 0.3%
Twig_Environment::mergeGlobals 42 4.4% 273 7.6% 176 4.9% 319 309.7% 183 177.7% 1,344 0.6% 1,344 0.6% 1,260 0.8% 1,260 0.8%
opendir 14 1.5% 168 4.7% 168 4.7% 184 178.6% 184 178.6% 4,232 1.8% 4,232 1.8% 2,568 1.6% 2,568 1.6%
is_file 8 0.8% 168 4.7% 168 4.7% 166 161.2% 166 161.2% -504 -0.2% -504 -0.2% 436 0.3% 436 0.3%
Drupal\Core\Entity\Field\Type\Field::__get -40 -4.2% -1,757 -49.0% -166 -4.6% -1,746 -1695.1% -165 -160.2% -1,120 -0.5% 0 0.0% 248 0.2% 288 0.2%
Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute::__clone -100 -10.6% -162 -4.5% -162 -4.5% -269 -261.2% -269 -261.2% -3,252 -1.4% -3,252 -1.4% -508 -0.3% -508 -0.3%
Twig_Template::render@3 11 1.2% 3,500 97.6% 161 4.5% 3,513 3410.7% 117 113.6% 36,424 15.6% 1,352 0.6% 166,364 106.6% 580 0.4%
Twig_Environment::getCacheFilename 8 0.8% 239 6.7% 159 4.4% 248 240.8% 127 123.3% 640 0.3% -288 -0.1% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
is_object 188 19.9% 158 4.4% 158 4.4% 280 271.8% 280 271.8% 1,260 0.5% 1,260 0.5% 1,176 0.8% 1,176 0.8%
htmlspecialchars 88 9.3% 154 4.3% 154 4.3% 216 209.7% 216 209.7% 11,992 5.1% 11,992 5.1% 1,792 1.1% 1,792 1.1%
__TwigTemplate_de82d3dbabdca62d71c182f6234badf5::doDisplay 0 0.0% 6,706 187.1% -151 -4.2% 6,942 6739.8% -158 -153.4% 35,680 15.3% 1,284 0.6% 30,576 19.6% -636 -0.4%
Drupal\Core\Database\Connection::query -5 -0.5% -4,065 -113.4% -150 -4.2% -1,025 -995.1% -123 -119.4% -6,280 -2.7% 2,336 1.0% 1,060 0.7% 760 0.5%
language_load -40 -4.2% -539 -15.0% -142 -4.0% -553 -536.9% -110 -106.8% -1,120 -0.5% 9,280 4.0% 48 0.0% 0 0.0%
Twig_Template::display@2 12 1.3% 90,414 2522.0% 138 3.8% 81,150 78786.4% 122 118.4% 73,488 31.5% 744 0.3% 231,168 148.2% 344 0.2%
drupal_static -39 -4.1% -136 -3.8% -130 -3.6% -160 -155.3% -143 -138.8% 20 0.0% 20 0.0% 3,824 2.5% 3,824 2.5%
Twig_Template::displayWithErrorHandling@1 24 2.5% 217,254 6060.1% 130 3.6% 207,965 201907.8% 129 125.2% 160,816 69.0% 1,064 0.5% 352,900 226.2% 704 0.5%
Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandler::loadInclude 0 0.0% 136 3.8% 123 3.4% 135 131.1% 124 120.4% -64 -0.0% 0 0.0% 120 0.1% -40 -0.0%
field_invoke_method_multiple 0 0.0% 289 8.1% 120 3.3% 302 293.2% 159 154.4% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 384 0.2% 36 0.0%
Drupal\Core\Template\TwigReference::offsetGet 7 0.7% 199 5.6% 119 3.3% 221 214.6% 131 127.2% 5,784 2.5% 12,524 5.4% 3,080 2.0% 1,744 1.1%
Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityRenderController::buildContent 0 0.0% 914 25.5% 119 3.3% 1,409 1368.0% 127 123.3% -40 -0.0% -8 -0.0% 252 0.2% 0 0.0%
Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityNG::__construct 0 0.0% -133 -3.7% -118 -3.3% -134 -130.1% -103 -100.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
Drupal\Core\TypedData\ItemList::offsetGet -40 -4.2% -152 -4.2% -116 -3.2% -176 -170.9% -145 -140.8% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% -88 -0.1% -88 -0.1%
Twig_Template::display@3 11 1.2% 3,178 88.6% 114 3.2% 3,191 3098.1% 99 96.1% 7,620 3.3% 744 0.3% 9,124 5.8% 820 0.5%
__TwigTemplate_80e258dfae5413a00620f95035906ed3::doDisplay 6 0.6% 567 15.8% 114 3.2% 576 559.2% 95 92.2% 2,676 1.1% 924 0.4% 1,644 1.1% 812 0.5%
[ display all ]